Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Bye-Bye June

Hello! June is almost gone! :-<>
Brother and sisters have I none, 
But this man's father is my father's son. 
Who is he?

What has a bottom at the top?

What sits in a corner and travels around the world?

Anyhoo, ta-ta to you and to June!


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Black Holes, Wands, and Monuments

Hi again! I am ridiculously bored as usual!! Most of my friends are bye-bye for the summer :-[

For Father's Day we had a breakfast at our house with a lot of my family. After that we went to watch Star Trek. It was REALLY good! I especially liked it because I like science fiction more than fantasy or the other genres. I'm really scared of black holes now, though...

I really shouldn't be complaining about all my friends being out of town 'cause I found out that I'm going to D. C. with my grandparents! Yay! Were going to a bunch of the monuments and museums. Luckily, this time I won't be going for a funeral. 

Also, I'm reading Harry Potter AGAIN to remind myself of what happens before I see the movie. I'm REALLY excited!


Claymation and Math

Hey! Sorry it's been a while since I've posted anything. I found this Podcast on iTunes called "Best of YouTube" and it had some really cool videos.

 The first one is a claymation chess (stop motion, where you move it a little and take a picture). 

The second one is this farmer or someone trying to convince this other guy that 25 divided by 5 is 14. It's interesting how he does it and kinda funny that his methods always work! Anyhoo, you'll see what I'm talking about. 



Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Hey hey, found another funny word on  Friends. :-]

acrimonious (akre'moneus)
(typically of a speech or debate) angry and bitter

ORIGIN early 17th cent. (in the sense  [bitter, pungent] ): from acrimony + -ous

Used in a sentence: Joey was having so much trouble trying to figure out how to use "acrimonious" in a sentence that he, himself, started to become acrimonious. 


Funny Comic

Hi, I just wanted to share a comic that I thought was funny from the Pickles comic strip. Earl is teaching his grandson the many things life is like. 

Hope you enjoy it! I liked it because it was my kind of humor so it varies from person to person. 


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Rudi, Naps, and Diving Boards

Howdy, I'm gonna update you again on summer happenings, because I'm bored. Today I went to gymnastics and we did snap-downs, which is where you jump forward (or backwards) onto a trampoline and land in the pit. It was exciting because I did a Rudi! You prob don't know what that is but it's a 1 1/2 twist forwards. It was uber super duper!

Also, the babysitting job went well. I didn't get that much sleep so when I put them down for a nap to get them to sleep, I fell asleep instead! We also played doctor, built with tinkertoys, did puzzles, etc. etc. etc. 

Today I went to the pool with my friend. It was really wet! Okay, that's a given. I was too freaked to do a front flip off the diving board, but Im not as scared now that I've done a Rudi. We also went down the drop slide which was also fun 'cause it's about a four foot drop. 

Anyhoo, you'll be hearing much more of me! Tata!


Sunday, June 7, 2009

Hello June!

Hi, I'm just gonna update what's been going on the first week of summer, even though you probably don't wanna hear :-] 
So far, not a snooze fest, but anything too exciting. Tonight I went to a banquet for my gymnastics team. It was really fun but I have a stomach ache from all the food! I'm also hopefuly moving downstairs this summer so I'm working on tidying up my room into a state that's move-able. Tomorrow I'm babysitting my two adorable cousins with the help of my grandfather.
I saw Up again, and loved it again. I also saw Night at the Museum 2. It was so funny!!! I'm going to see Harry Potter 6 soon too (I'm gonna see it with my best friend)!

Well, anyhoo, summer's just beginning and I'd better enjoy it while it lasts!


Sunday, May 31, 2009

Condescending and Pedantic

Hey, I'm gonna put up another post for today just for the heck of it. Here are some more words discovered by Joey on his toilet paper:

condescend (kandesend)
verb [ intrans. ]
show feelings of superiority; patronize.

ORIGIN Middle English (in the sense [give way, defer] ): from Old French condescendre, from ecclesiastical Latin condesendere, from con- "together" + descendere "descend" 

Used in a sentence: Joey did not want Ross to get condescending about his money issues. 

pedant (pednt)
a person who is excessively concerned with minor details and rules or with displaying academic learning.  

ORIGIN late 16th cent.: from French pedant from Italien pedante, perhaps from the first element of Latin paedagogus

Used in a sentence: Joey was also upset because he did not need Ross to get pedantic about the cost of his furniture. 

Have fun  becoming verbose!
