Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Rudi, Naps, and Diving Boards

Howdy, I'm gonna update you again on summer happenings, because I'm bored. Today I went to gymnastics and we did snap-downs, which is where you jump forward (or backwards) onto a trampoline and land in the pit. It was exciting because I did a Rudi! You prob don't know what that is but it's a 1 1/2 twist forwards. It was uber super duper!

Also, the babysitting job went well. I didn't get that much sleep so when I put them down for a nap to get them to sleep, I fell asleep instead! We also played doctor, built with tinkertoys, did puzzles, etc. etc. etc. 

Today I went to the pool with my friend. It was really wet! Okay, that's a given. I was too freaked to do a front flip off the diving board, but Im not as scared now that I've done a Rudi. We also went down the drop slide which was also fun 'cause it's about a four foot drop. 

Anyhoo, you'll be hearing much more of me! Tata!


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