Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Black Holes, Wands, and Monuments

Hi again! I am ridiculously bored as usual!! Most of my friends are bye-bye for the summer :-[

For Father's Day we had a breakfast at our house with a lot of my family. After that we went to watch Star Trek. It was REALLY good! I especially liked it because I like science fiction more than fantasy or the other genres. I'm really scared of black holes now, though...

I really shouldn't be complaining about all my friends being out of town 'cause I found out that I'm going to D. C. with my grandparents! Yay! Were going to a bunch of the monuments and museums. Luckily, this time I won't be going for a funeral. 

Also, I'm reading Harry Potter AGAIN to remind myself of what happens before I see the movie. I'm REALLY excited!


1 comment:

  1. when are u going to DC? and dont forget u cant see it without me :)
