Sunday, May 31, 2009

Condescending and Pedantic

Hey, I'm gonna put up another post for today just for the heck of it. Here are some more words discovered by Joey on his toilet paper:

condescend (kandesend)
verb [ intrans. ]
show feelings of superiority; patronize.

ORIGIN Middle English (in the sense [give way, defer] ): from Old French condescendre, from ecclesiastical Latin condesendere, from con- "together" + descendere "descend" 

Used in a sentence: Joey did not want Ross to get condescending about his money issues. 

pedant (pednt)
a person who is excessively concerned with minor details and rules or with displaying academic learning.  

ORIGIN late 16th cent.: from French pedant from Italien pedante, perhaps from the first element of Latin paedagogus

Used in a sentence: Joey was also upset because he did not need Ross to get pedantic about the cost of his furniture. 

Have fun  becoming verbose!



  1. i think it was "the one where eddie won't go"

    did you like my joke below?

  2. which one? and i love that episode! good-bye you fruit drying psychopath!

  3. hahaha ya!

    the joke with the dog and the telegram
    the post title is "Summer Break, Balloons, and Telegrams"
