Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Greenhouse Gas Chain

Yay! Only one more day until Earth Day! This post is gonna be one of the shorter ones because we're all preparing for the special day tomorrow!! Today I'm just going to share my views and facts on electricity and global warming. 

Global warming is caused by greenhouse gasses which let in harmful IR (Infrared) rays from the sun. This heats up the Earth but unfortunately many of these rays cannot escape. If we did not have IR trapped in our atmosphere though we would freeze, but this heating up is creating global warming. 

Electricity is usually made from coal which gives off TONS of greenhouse gasses so this is also connected to global warming. As always, you should know turn off the lights when you leave a room, unplug the cord when you're not using it, only use enough light necessary, become nocturnal (j/k), etc.

Personally, I think that most of the research to find a car that runs off of solar, wind, hydrogen, etc. tends to be a waste because its costs a lot of money, wastes energy in the making, and is so much effort! I learned this when we tried making solar cars in science class; endless pain! I would suggest WALKING or using a certain vehicle called a BIKE. We went along fine when the car wasn't invented yet, which goes to show that we can adapt to doing fine without it today.  

This leads us into the whole deforestation issue as well, which is HUGE! Okay, for those who don't know, or are too stupid to notice: We will DIE without trees and plants. I'm not gonna go into this whole thing because this is already a long post. Just keep in the back of your head that everyday over 130 species of plants and animals go extinct, thousands of acres of forests are cut down, and WE'RE the ones doing it. 

 Come on, Earthlings! Please wake up! This is YOUR planet, YOUR future, YOUR life! Make it happen the way you want it!

Happy Earth Day to all, and remember that this should last not only for a day, but forever. 


1 comment:

  1. wow that was an intense post! happy late earth day earthling
